Health Technology
HLT CPR & First Aid
This course is designed to teach students the skills necessary to perform proper first aid and lifesaving skills in the event of an emergency.
HLT Medical Terminology
- This course serves to develop a working knowledge of the language of medicine for students. Students acquire word building skills by learning prefixes, suffices, roots and abbreviations. Utilizing a body systems approach, the student will define, interpret, and pronounce medical terms relation to structure and function, pathology, diagnosis, clinical procedures and pharmacology. Common abbreviations applicable to each system will be interpreted. Knowledge of medical terminology enhances a student’s ability to successfully secure employment or pursue advanced education in health science.
HLT Mental Health & Illness
- This course explores the therapeutic services that can be provided to those suffering from mental health illnesses including: schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, antisocial personality disorder, depression, ADHD, SAD, and phobias. Students will learn treatment options for those diagnosed with mental illnesses.
HLT Nutrition
- This course will cover numerous nutrition topics including foodborne illnesses and pathogens, healthy body images, and contrast the benefits and drawbacks of diets. Students will understand measurement conversions, the chemical process of how food breaks down, and how it is stored and used by the body.