
Phoenix School is a great place to work!  Established in 1981, Phoenix School is an award-winning charter school serving an enrollment of 195 at-risk students, grades 8-12. Our school has a designed facility sited on a picturesque twelve-acre campus in east Roseburg, OR. We have outstanding community support and are recognized regionally for our innovative approach. Phoenix is a charter school provided by the Phoenix School of Roseburg, a private non-profit youth development organization. 

Phoenix is a great school for teachers and staff seeking to make a difference. Our compensation package is comparable to other small, rural schools. Class sizes are small (average 25 students) and teacher creativity is supported in the spirit of improving our students’ lives and academic achievements.

For questions about employment at Phoenix Charter School or Phoenix School of Roseburg please contact the Executive Assistant at admin@roseburgphoenix.com.

Phoenix School is an equal opportunity employer. Phoenix School does not discriminate on the basis of basis of race, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, age, sex, marital status, familial status, economic status or source of income, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, citizenship status, pregnancy, childbirth, physical disability, mental and/or intellectual disability, or military status in admission or access to the treatment of employment in its programs and activities as required by state and federal law. For applicants who require reasonable accommodation in the application and/or interview process please contact our Human Resources Department.

 Oregon Conservation Corps Opportunities